Lisa, Jennie, Kwon Eun-bi, Ive, etc., and idol comeback rush... will heat up the music industry in 2025

Lisa, Jennie, Kwon Eun-bi, Ive, etc., and idol comeback rush... will heat up the music industry in 2025

메디먼트뉴스 2024-12-27 10:35:35 신고


In the new year of 2025, the music industry is heating up with the news of idols' comeback. In particular, popular idols such as Black Pink, Jennie, Kwon Eun-bi, Ive, and 82 Major Kim Do-kyun are raising fans' expectations by announcing the release of new songs.

BLACKPINK's Lisa will release her first full-length album, ALTER EGO, on Feb. 28 next year. It will be released in various versions of the album, raising expectations from global fans.

Blackpink Jennie also announced the release of her new album next year. After 11 months of work, Jennie will try different genres and make a new musical transformation.

Singer Kwon Eun-bi will release her new digital single "Feat. Coogie" on Jan. 7 next year. She announced her comeback by releasing a motion poster that reflects a large door against a blue background.

Girl group IVE will release its third EP album "IVE EMPATHY" on Feb. 3 next year. Prior to the release of the album, the title song will be released on the 13th of next month, and the new song will be performed briefly at the 2024 SBS Music Competition, raising expectations.

82 Major Kim Do-kyun will release a new song "Letter" with Japanese DJ and music producer Jubnail. Kim Do-kyun's appealing singing voice and Jubnail's emotional melody met to complete an emotional ballad song that is good to listen to in winter.

In 2024, the music industry is expected to be enriched with the comeback of such a variety of idols. Expectations are rising for the new music and performance that each group will perform.

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