G-Dragon returns to the "Music Awards Festival" stage after 8 years... amid controversy

G-Dragon returns to the "Music Awards Festival" stage after 8 years... amid controversy

메디먼트뉴스 2024-12-26 13:19:29 신고


At the "2024 SBS Music Competition" held on the 25th, Big Bang's leader G-Dragon took the stage for the first time in eight years and announced a spectacular comeback. He showed off his charisma by performing hit songs such as the new song "Power," "Mental" and "Creepy," but he was left disappointed due to sound problems and controversy over directing.

The evaluation surrounding G-Dragon's live performance was clearly divided. Some expressed regret, pointing out that his live performance seemed to be lacking due to sound problems. On the other hand, other fans praised G-Dragon's professional performance in consideration of sound problems. In fact, the stage video showed G-Dragon suffering from in-ear problems, which caused fans to feel sorry for him.

In particular, the ending direction caused a great controversy. Before G-Dragon's stage was over, other cast members appeared, and his performance was buried. Fans expressed strong dissatisfaction with this direction and raised questions about the completeness of the stage.

Despite the sound problems and production controversy, G-Dragon finished the stage looking professional. He showed his relaxed appearance by thanking the fans and releasing photos with the dancers. In addition, he also confirmed his fans' enthusiastic love by winning first place in the "Favorite Idol" vote.

G-Dragon's return stage was spectacular, but it also left regret and controversy. Expectations and concerns coexist on his next stage whether sound and directing problems will be improved and a more complete stage will be presented.

G-Dragon's performance at the "Music Awards Festival" in eight years brought great joy and regret to fans at the same time. Although his unwavering grip on the stage remained, he failed to put on a perfect performance due to unexpected sound problems and production controversies.

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