[I Ching & CEO Code] 5. Donald Trump = I Ching "Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽卦)"

실시간 키워드

2022.08.01 00:00 기준

[I Ching & CEO Code] 5. Donald Trump = I Ching "Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽卦)"

CEONEWS 2025-03-21 11:47:17 신고

트럼프 미국 대통령
Donald Trump

[CEONEWS = Reporter Lee Jae-hoon] The I Ching (Book of Changes) is a classical text that interprets the transformations of all things through the interaction of yin (陰) and yang (陽). It contains 64 hexagrams (gua, 卦), each symbolizing specific situations or characteristics. The theory of yin-yang and the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) explains the diversity of human physical and mental attributes through complementary interactions and cyclical characteristics.

The I Ching 64 Constitutional Types is a discipline based on these principles, analyzing unique traits and health tendencies associated with each type. In essence, this system is an attempt to systematically categorize human diversity using the philosophical and medical traditions of ancient East Asia. While it offers deeper insights into individual physical and mental traits, it still requires further scientific validation and standardization.

At the intersection of tradition and modern medicine, such an approach can serve as a reference for developing personalized health management and preventive strategies. The I Ching 64 Constitutional Types should be understood as an effort to apply the profound insights of classical philosophy to contemporary health management and personality analysis.

To mark its 26th anniversary, CEONEWS has introduced the “I Ching & CEO Code” section, analyzing CEOs based on the I Ching 64 Constitutional Types, aiming to establish a model for CEO PI (Personality Index).

Donald Trump and the "Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽)" Constitutional Type

Donald Trump=I Ching
Donald Trump = I Ching "Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽卦)"

Donald Trump = I Ching "Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽卦)"

1. Meaning and Personality Traits of Chung-Feng Xun (重風巽卦)

The Chung-Feng Xun (巽卦, ☴) hexagram consists of wind (Xun, 巽) stacked upon itself, symbolizing flexibility, penetration, negotiation skills, and adaptability. These characteristics align closely with Trump's personality and leadership style.

(1) Key Traits

▲ Penetration and Influence
Chung-Feng Xun represents the ability to penetrate the minds of others and exert influence. Trump, as a former real estate mogul, excelled in persuasion and negotiation. As president, he leveraged his strong rhetoric and media-savvy tactics to command public attention.

▲ Unpredictability and Constant Change
Wind does not blow in a fixed direction but moves fluidly. Trump was known for his impulsive decisions and erratic policy shifts. His unpredictable political maneuvers and pragmatic approach allowed him to change course when necessary.

▲ The Power of Speech and Communication
The Chung-Feng Xun hexagram is associated with strong linguistic expression and persuasion. Trump actively used public speeches and social media (especially Twitter) to communicate his messages. His powerful slogans, such as "Make America Great Again," effectively rallied his supporters.

▲ Self-Confidence and Aggressiveness
While the Chung-Feng Xun type is adaptable, it can also exhibit strong self-belief and stubbornness. Trump was known for pushing his beliefs aggressively, often engaging in direct attacks against opponents rather than seeking compromise. His confrontational style in debates and negotiations reflected this characteristic.

2. The Connection Between Trump's Leadership and Chung-Feng Xun

Analyzing Trump's political style through the lens of Chung-Feng Xun reveals how his behavioral patterns align with the hexagram’s traits.

(1) A Master of Negotiation and Deal-Making

Trump built his business empire through negotiation and emphasized this skill during his presidency. His renegotiation of NAFTA, the U.S.-China trade war, and summits with North Korea all demonstrated his strong negotiation tactics. His strategic use of persuasion and penetration, characteristic of Chung-Feng Xun, played a significant role in shaping favorable conditions.

(2) Mobilizing the Masses Through Strategic Language

Trump excelled at delivering clear and direct political messages. His frequent use of phrases like "Fake News" to discredit the media reinforced his support base. Chung-Feng Xun emphasizes the power of language, aligning with Trump's adept use of media and rhetoric.

(3) Utilizing Change and Uncertainty as Strategic Tools

Trump often disrupted traditional diplomatic norms, employing unpredictability as a strategic advantage. His erratic policy changes and unconventional diplomatic moves kept opponents off balance. This reflects the dual nature of Chung-Feng Xun, which embodies both adaptability and initiative.

Through the lens of the I Ching 64 Constitutional Types, Trump's leadership style can be understood as a manifestation of the Chung-Feng Xun hexagram—marked by penetration, persuasion, adaptability, and an unyielding drive for dominance.

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