Korea’s Leading Logistics Innovator: LIGO Electric Drum Stacker MDS-50FE [Card News]

Korea’s Leading Logistics Innovator: LIGO Electric Drum Stacker MDS-50FE [Card News]

시선뉴스 2025-03-13 13:02:46 신고

(Design - Kim Sunhee) Delivering Convenience and Efficiency to the Logistics Market!

Korea’s Leading Logistics Company: LIGO Electric Drum Stacker MDS-50FE by Dongyang Logitech

The LIGO Electric Drum Stacker uses a drum clamp to lift, rotate, and transfer contents into containers.

Designed with an ergonomic handle for easy operation, the LIGO Electric Drum Stacker allows smooth forward and reverse movement, as well as effortless lifting and lowering with a simple lever adjustment.

The vertical handle control makes operation easier in tight spaces. The LIGO Electric Drum Stacker can handle drums weighing up to 300kg and lift them to a maximum height of 2,500mm.

It features a maintenance-free commercial battery, making operation hassle-free. Charging is as simple as plugging the cord into a standard outlet.

The LIGO Electric Drum Stacker lifts and rotates drums using a clamp, effortlessly transferring contents into containers!

Experience the next level of electric drum lifting with full-powered forward/reverse movement, lifting/lowering, and drum rotation.

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