BLACKPINK Rose ranks 5th on Billboard Hot 100 with 'Apartment'...K-pop breaks record for women

BLACKPINK Rose ranks 5th on Billboard Hot 100 with 'Apartment'...K-pop breaks record for women

메디먼트뉴스 2025-01-07 20:54:15 신고


Rosé, a member of the group Black Pink, broke the record for the highest number of K-pop female artists by ranking fifth on the U.S. Billboard main single chart "Hot 100" with her solo song "Apartment."

According to Billboard's latest chart (January 11) released on the 7th (Korea time), Rosé's "Apartment" with Bruno Mars ranked fifth, up 31 places from the previous week. It is the highest ranking in the "Hot 100" for all K-pop female groups and solo singers.

Earlier in November last year, Rosé set a record of becoming the first K-pop female artist to enter the top 10 by ranking eighth in the "Hot 100" with "Apartment." The fifth place was a remarkable achievement that exceeded this record, making Rosé the first K-pop female singer to enter the top 5 of the "Hot 100."

"Apartment" proved its global popularity by topping Billboard's global chart, Global 200, and Global 200 (excluding the U.S.). Billboard introduced "Rosé's 'Apartment' as the fifth song to reach the top of the 'Global 200' for more than 10 weeks," realizing its popularity.

Meanwhile, the K-pop female artist who previously ranked the highest on the Hot 100 was Blackpink's Ice Cream, which ranked 13th through a collaboration with Selena Gomez.

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