JYP's new boy group Kick Flip, Grammy.COM selected "2025 K-pop Rookie to pay attention to."

실시간 키워드

2022.08.01 00:00 기준

JYP's new boy group Kick Flip, Grammy.COM selected "2025 K-pop Rookie to pay attention to."

메디먼트뉴스 2025-01-07 17:22:45 신고


JYP Entertainment's new boy group Kickflip is attracting global fans' attention by being listed as the "2025 K-pop Rookie to Watch" selected by the U.S. Grammys.

The U.S. Grammys announced eight K-pop rookies, including Kickflip, on its official website on the 4th (local time). The Grammy introduced Kickflip along with hashtags such as "JYPNATION" and "NEWGROUPALERT," and expressed expectations by mentioning the announcement of its debut promotion at the "2024 MAMA Awards" in November last year.

Kick Flip announced the release of its first mini album "Flip It, Kick It!" on its official SNS on the 6th. The music video for the pre-released song "Yes, Yes," which was released together, is receiving a hot response as it ranked 9th in the YouTube music video Trending Worldwide and 3rd in the popularity of YouTube in Korea.

The team name "Kick Flip" is derived from skateboarding technology, and the members heralded new challenges by breaking the existing framework. Kick Flip members are continuing to communicate with fans by releasing various contents ahead of their debut.

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