BLACKPINK Rose is in power for a long time on the U.S. Billboard chart... K-pop girl groups show off their potential

실시간 키워드

2022.08.01 00:00 기준

BLACKPINK Rose is in power for a long time on the U.S. Billboard chart... K-pop girl groups show off their potential

메디먼트뉴스 2025-01-01 17:02:39 신고



Blackpink Rosé's solo album "Rosie" has been steadily gaining popularity on the U.S. Billboard main charts, proving the potential of K-pop girl groups.

According to the latest Billboard chart released on the 31st (local time), Rosé's pre-released single "Apartment" has been on the chart for 10 consecutive weeks, reaching 34th place on the main single chart "Hot 100." The album "Rosie" also entered the main album chart "Billboards 200" for the third consecutive week, ranking 32nd.

While Rosé's solo album is also steadily gaining popularity on the UK's official charts, it has also shown strong performance in the US market, solidifying its position as a global star.

Meanwhile, Stray Kids' new album, "HOP," continued to be hot, reaching No. 13 on Billboard 200. In particular, it topped the previous week, boosting K-pop's status. A number of K-pop artists, including Twice, BTS Jimin, and ENHYPEN, made their names on the Billboard charts, realizing the global popularity of K-pop.

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