IVE confirmed its comeback with the new album 'IVE EMPATHY' in 2025...It's been 9 months since I came back with the theme of "Empathy"

IVE confirmed its comeback with the new album 'IVE EMPATHY' in 2025...It's been 9 months since I came back with the theme of "Empathy"

메디먼트뉴스 2024-12-25 14:29:39 신고


Girl group IVE will make a comeback with its third EP album "IVE EMPATHY" on February 3, 2025. Starship Entertainment, the agency, raised expectations by releasing the album cover image along with the news of its comeback on its official SNS on the 24th.

The teaser video released shows the warm affection of the members, such as arming each other, holding hands, and leaning on each other. In particular, the lyrics, "Keep the six forever," show the deep bond between the members and move the hearts of the fans. The title of the album, "EMPATHY," means "empathy," raising questions about what kind of story Abe will tell through this album.

Before the album's release, IVE will release its pre-release title song on January 13. It is expected to act as a factor that will further raise fans' expectations.

Through its first world tour, which began in October last year, IVE proved its global popularity by performing 37 times in 19 countries, attracting 420,000 viewers. In addition, it entered the "KSPO Dome" and the "Tokyo Dome" in Japan, setting a record of selling out all seats. In addition, it has established itself as a "performance powerhouse" by participating in the U.S. "Lollapalooza Chicago" and Japan's largest music festival "Summer Sonic 2024."

On the 25th, Ive will appear in SBS's "Song Contest" as a whole to wrap up his activities in 2024, and will show further growth through his new album "IVE EMPATHY" in 2025. Ive is expected to further strengthen its position as a global girl group by communicating with fans through various activities in 2025.

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