Korean Robotaxi Startup Sonnet.AI Secures Level 4 Autonomous Shuttles Certification

Korean Robotaxi Startup Sonnet.AI Secures Level 4 Autonomous Shuttles Certification

경기연합신문 2024-12-11 15:28:00 신고

Level 4 Autonomous Shuttle equipped with AutoDrive™ solution
Level 4 Autonomous Shuttle equipped with AutoDrive™ solution

South Korea’s autonomous vehicle pioneer, Sonnet.AI (Founder: Dr. Joonwoo Son), announced on December 10 that it has received certification for its Level 4 autonomous shuttle equipped with the company’s proprietary AutoDrive™ solution. This milestone establishes Sonnet.AI as the first South Korean company to achieve such recognition.

Founded in 2017, Sonnet.AI has continuously refined its AutoDrive™ system, applying it to various vehicles, including the Hyundai Kona EV, Solati, and Kia Carnival to develop Level 3 and Level 4 autonomous vehicles. The company has also ventured into robotaxi services, further solidifying its position in the industry.

Sonnet.AI’s Level 4 autonomous shuttle leverages the French-made Navya shuttle, which had been previously imported to South Korea but was largely unused due to performance and safety concerns. Sonnet.AI’s efforts represent a significant breakthrough, as it is the first instance of a Navya shuttle being certified for both domestic safety and autonomous driving regulations in South Korea.

With AutoDrive™ integrated, the Navya shuttle operates independently of Navya’s original technical support or warranty. Sonnet.AI now assumes full responsibility for both the autonomous driving technology and the hardware, enabling legal and operational deployment. The company plans to extend its solution to other Navya shuttles in South Korea, ensuring they can operate autonomously under Sonnet.AI’s warranty and technical oversight.

Innovative Collaboration and Future Development

Sonnet.AI is also collaborating with INNO DESIGN, led by renowned designer Youngse Kim, to develop a 4-ton, in-wheel motor-based multipurpose autonomous driving platform. This platform aims to support diverse applications, including passenger and logistics transportation.

In May, Sonnet.AI officially registered as a domestic automobile manufacturer and commenced shuttle development. By July, it had established Sonnet.AI Thailand to provide autonomous shuttle services in Thai tourist destinations, with plans for local production. The company’s latest project, a 15-seater autonomous shuttle with a top speed of 40 km/h, is slated for launch by the end of 2025. It is expected to offer stable and efficient urban shuttle services.

B2B Market Leadership and Industrial Success

Sonnet.AI has emerged as a leader in South Korea’s B2B autonomous vehicle market, successfully implementing its technology in industries such as steel manufacturing and port operations. Since last year, the company has been collaborating with POSCO on autonomous driving projects and is also engaged in smart port-related projects with HMMPSA.

Furthermore, Sonnet.AI is collaborating with domestic smart port equipment manufacturers to integrate autonomous technology, aiming to commercialize unmanned smart port solutions.

As it cements its leadership in autonomous driving, Sonnet.AI announced plans to secure its first round of external funding since its inception. The company aims to accelerate innovation and expand its influence in the global autonomous vehicle landscape.

언론연락처:Sonnet Vice President Myungok Park

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