QNAP Announces Short-Depth Rackmount NAS TS-433eU with NPU Acceleration and Dual 2.5GbE

QNAP Announces Short-Depth Rackmount NAS TS-433eU with NPU Acceleration and Dual 2.5GbE

AI포스트 2024-12-09 23:30:00 신고

TAIPEI, Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- QNAP® Systems, Inc., a leading computing and storage solutions innovator, today unveiled the compact 1U rackmount 4-bay NAS TS-433eU, which offers small to midsize businesses and organizations an affordable edge storage and backup solution. With a sleek 1U design and a depth only of 11.51 inches (292.3mm), the TS-433eU easily fits into space-constrained environments.

"The TS-433eU offers more than just reliable backup and restore capabilities. Its NPU-empowered processor, 2.5GbE connectivity, and USB storage expansion work together seamlessly in AI-powered photo management, Docker container applications, and surveillance system deployment, meeting diverse business needs" said Andy Chuang, Product Manager at QNAP.

The TS-433eU features four 3.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s drive bays, fulfilling business demands in storage, file sharing, synchronization, and data protection for boosted daily work productivity. It also supports efficient backup from various sources, including PCs, and Google™ Workspace/Microsoft 365® SaaS data. Users can also enable remote backup to another NAS or the immutable myQNAPcloud Storage. Snapshots offers comprehensive data protection and recovery, safeguarding against ransomware threats. Additionally, users can run Docker containers on the TS-433eU to deploy various microservices, or create a video surveillance system to safeguard working environments.

Key features of TS-433eU

  • Optimized space utilization: The 1U short depth design makes it easy to fit in a small cabinet or wall-mounted network rack, ideal for space-limited environments including offices, factories, IT rooms, or surveillance rooms.
  • Powerful yet energy-efficient: Equipped with an energy-saving ARM 64-bit Cortex-A55 quad-core 2.0 GHz processor and 4GB built-in memory, the TS-433eU delivers stable system operation and efficient multitasking.
  • Built-in NPU for AI acceleration: A built-in NPU accelerates AI-powered face recognition and subject identification in QNAP's QuMagie smart album, while reducing CPU workloads.
  • AES hardware encryption: With AES hardware-accelerated encryption, the processor enhances encryption performance, which secures critical NAS data while maintaining high system performance.
  • 2.5GbE as standard: Two 2.5GbE RJ45 ports help facilitate high-speed data transfer, large file access, and backup/restore. By enabling SMB Multichannel or Port Trunking, users can achieve fault-tolerant connections or increased data transfer speeds.
  • Flexible USB storage expansion: Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5Gbps) Type-A ports allow users to connect one QNAP short-depth USB JBOD TR-004U, increasing the total storage to eight drive capacity.

Click here to find more QNAP short-depth rackmount NAS models.

SOURCE QNAP Systems, Inc.

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