Blackpink Rosé, Bruno Mars and Pimac Date in Osaka..."Great chemistry."

Blackpink Rosé, Bruno Mars and Pimac Date in Osaka..."Great chemistry."

메디먼트뉴스 2024-11-24 22:11:50 신고


Black Pink Rose is drawing attention by showing off her friendship with pop star Bruno Mars.

On Monday, Rosé posted a photo of herself and Bruno Mars on her Instagram account and said she had a great time in Osaka. The two people in the photo are holding a pizza the size of their faces and smiling brightly, comfortable and friendly.

In a post together, Rosé said, "I'm grateful to MAMA and Bruno Mars for having a fun night out in Osaka, my K-pop juggernaut, and making me feel like a number one girl," and expressed their close friendship with the witty phrase, "Let's go pizza and trophy, toast."

Earlier, Rosé performed a special performance with Bruno Mars at the "2024 MAMA Awards" held in Osaka, Japan on the 22nd. The surprise collaboration between the two received a hot response from fans around the world, and they have continued to be close since then.

Fans are responding to the unexpected meeting and warm friendship between Rosé and Bruno Mars, saying, "The two of you look so good together," "It's cute to see you eating Pimac," and "It's nice to see you continue to be close even after the MAMA stage."

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