Billboard's 'Greatest Pop Stars of the 21st Century' Rankings Are Causing a Stir: Where Does BTS Rank?

3줄 요약


Billboard's 'Greatest Pop Stars of the 21st Century' Rankings Are Causing a Stir: Where Does BTS Rank?

Billboard's "Greatest Pop Stars of the 21st Century" rankings have sparked intense discussions among music fans worldwide.

Despite not releasing an English album, BTS has dominated the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the U.S.

From speeches at the United Nations to anti-Asian hate campaigns and constant engagement with fans globally, BTS has solidified their status not just as artists, but as global leaders.

뉴스픽의 주요 문장 추출 기술을 사용하여 “위키트리” 기사 내용을 3줄로 요약한 결과입니다. 일부 누락된 내용이 있어 전반적인 이해를 위해서는 본문 전체 읽기를 권장합니다.

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