[연예] '재재, MBC 라디오 DJ 데뷔! 연애상담부터 도파민 중독까지?'

3줄 요약


[연예] '재재, MBC 라디오 DJ 데뷔! 연애상담부터 도파민 중독까지?'

MBC radio station has welcomed a new DJ, Song Yoon-se, who made her first appearance as the host of "Doo Si's Date." Song's debut was captured on a video that was released on a YouTube channel named "Jung's SBS Employee," which showed her arriving at the studio with great excitement.

During her first meeting with the radio station's management, Song expressed her high expectations and said that she believes the program would be an excellent fit for her.

She received words of encouragement from the MBC radio station's director, who said that Song could become the "daughter of MBC," which made her smile warmly in response.

뉴스픽의 주요 문장 추출 기술을 사용하여 “시아피드” 기사 내용을 3줄로 요약한 결과입니다. 일부 누락된 내용이 있어 전반적인 이해를 위해서는 본문 전체 읽기를 권장합니다.

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